线程池在多线程编程中经常要用到,其基本模型仍是生产者/消费者模型,线程池一般由线程池管理器(ThreadPool),工作线程(PoolWorker),任务( Task),任务队列(TaskQueue)四部分组成,其中 线程池管理器(ThreadPool):用于创建并管理线程池,包括 创建线程池,销毁线程池,添加新任务; 工作线程(PoolWorker):线程池中线程,在没有任务时处于等待状态,可以循环的执行任务; 任务接口(Task):每个任务必须实现的接口,以供工作线程调度任务的执行,它主要规定了任务的入口,任务执行完后的收尾工作,任务的执行状态等; 任务队列(taskQueue):用于存放没有处理的任务。提供一种缓冲机制。 这里实现的线程池的任务队列为单向链表,支持的功能有: 添加任务时,线程池中工作线程数可以动态增长到某一阈值 任务执行完毕时,可以动态销毁线程池中的线程
typedef struct task { TASK_ROUTINE run; // task handler TASK_PARA_TYPE arg; //para for handler "run" struct task* next; // pointer to the next task }task_t;run为任务接口函数,其参数为arg,next 为指向下一任务的指针。 访问控制结构体定义:
typedef struct condition { pthread_mutex_t p_mutex; //mutex pthread_cond_t p_cond; //condition variable }cond_t;该结构体封装了 Mutex 和 Condition variable 用于控制任务执行。 线程池(Threadpool)结构体定义
typedef struct threadpool { cond_t ready; // mutex and condition variable for thread pool task_t *first; // pointer to the first task in the thread pool task_t *last; // point to the last past task in the thread pool int threadcnt; // thread count at the present int idle; //idle thread count at the present int max_threads; // max threads for thread pool int quit; // set 1 when destroying thread pool }threadpool_t;该结构体封装了线程池的任务队列头尾指针,工作线程阈值,当前工作线程数目,空闲工作线程数目,以及线程退出标志。
pool_util.h - 功能函数和宏定义 condition.h,condition.c - Mutex 和 Condition variable 操作封装 >threadpool.h,threadpool.c - 线程池操作封装 makefile - 编译文件
condition.h 定义:
#pragma once #include <sys/time.h> #include <pthread.h> typedef struct condition { pthread_mutex_t p_mutex; //mutex pthread_cond_t p_cond; //condition variable }cond_t; int cond_init(cond_t* cond); //initial Mutex and Condition variable int cond_destroy(cond_t* cond); // deallocate Mutex and Condition variable int cond_lock(cond_t* cond); // acquire Mutex lock int cond_unlock(cond_t* cond); release Mutex lock int cond_wait(cond_t* cond); // wait for a condition int cond_timedwait(cond_t* cond, const struct timespec *tv); // wait for a condition for a specified time int cond_signal(cond_t* cond); // send signal to a waiting thread int cond_broadcast(cond_t* cond); // send signal to all waiting threadpthreadpool.h 定义:
#pragma once #include "condition.h" typedef void* (*TASK_ROUTINE) (void*); typedef void* TASK_PARA_TYPE; typedef struct task { TASK_ROUTINE run; // task handler TASK_PARA_TYPE arg; //para for handler "run" struct task* next; // pointer to the next task }task_t; typedef struct threadpool { cond_t ready; // mutex and condition variable for thread pool task_t *first; // pointer to the first task in the thread pool task_t *last; // point to the last past one task in the thread pool int threadcnt; // thread count at the present int idle; //idle thread count at the present int max_threads; // max threads for thread pool int quit; // set 1 when destroying thread pool }threadpool_t; //initialize thread pool void threadpool_init(threadpool_t* pool, int max_threads); //deallocate thread pool void threadpool_destroy(threadpool_t *pool); // add a task to thread pool void threadpool_add_task(threadpool_t *poo, TASK_ROUTINE mytask, TASK_PARA_TYPE arg);condition.c 定义:
#include "condition.h" #include "pool_util.h" int cond_init(cond_t* cond) { int ret; ret = pthread_mutex_init(&cond->p_mutex, NULL); if(ret) { ERROR("pthread_mutex_init", ret); } ret = pthread_cond_init(&cond->p_cond, NULL); if(ret) { ERROR("pthread_cond_init", ret); } return 0; } int cond_destroy(cond_t* cond) { int ret; ret = pthread_mutex_destroy(&cond->p_mutex); if(ret) { ERROR("pthread_mutex_destroy", ret); } ret = pthread_cond_destroy(&cond->p_cond); if(ret) { ERROR("pthread_cond_destroy", ret); } return 0; } int cond_lock(cond_t* cond) { return pthread_mutex_lock(&cond->p_mutex); } int cond_unlock(cond_t* cond) { return pthread_mutex_unlock(&cond->p_mutex); } int cond_wait(cond_t* cond) { return pthread_cond_wait(&cond->p_cond, &cond->p_mutex); } int cond_timedwait(cond_t* cond, const struct timespec *ts) { return pthread_cond_timedwait(&cond->p_cond, &cond->p_mutex, ts); } int cond_signal(cond_t* cond) { return pthread_cond_signal(&cond->p_cond); } int cond_broadcast(cond_t* cond) { return pthread_cond_broadcast(&cond->p_cond); }threadpool.c 定义:
#include <unistd.h> #include <errno.h> #include "threadpool.h" #include "pool_util.h" void* thread_routine(void* arg) { pthread_t tid = pthread_self(); printf("Thread %#lx starting\n", (size_t)tid); threadpool_t *pool = (threadpool_t*)arg; int timedout; while(1) { timedout = 0; cond_lock(&pool->ready); pool->idle++; //waiting for new task or the destroy of thread pool while((NULL==pool->first) && (0==pool->quit)) { //while((NULL==pool->first)) { printf("Thread %#lx waiting\n", (size_t)tid); //blocked wait //cond_wait(&pool->ready); //impletement timedout wait struct timeval tv; struct timespec ts; gettimeofday(&tv, NULL); ts.tv_sec = tv.tv_sec + 2; ts.tv_nsec = 0; int ret = cond_timedwait(&pool->ready, &ts); if(ETIMEDOUT == ret) { printf("Thread %#lx waiting timedout\n", (size_t)tid); timedout = 1; break; } } pool->idle--; // new task if(pool->first) { // extract a task from the head of the queue task_t *tk = pool->first; pool->first = tk->next; //It takes some time to excute task, unlock first to permit //other producers to add task, and other consumers to enter the loop cond_unlock(&pool->ready); //execute task tk->run(tk->arg); free(tk); cond_lock(&pool->ready); } // the destroy of thread pool if(pool->quit && NULL==pool->first) { pool->threadcnt--; if(0 == pool->threadcnt) cond_signal(&pool->ready); cond_unlock(&pool->ready);//do not forget unlock when breaking out the loop break; } // wait timedout if(timedout && NULL==pool->first) { pool->threadcnt--; cond_unlock(&pool->ready);//do not forget unlock when breaking out the loop break; } cond_unlock(&pool->ready); } printf("Thread %#lx exiting\n", (size_t)tid); return NULL; } //initialize thread pool void threadpool_init(threadpool_t* pool, int max_threads) { cond_init(&pool->ready); pool->first = pool->last = NULL; pool->threadcnt = pool->idle = 0; pool->max_threads = max_threads; pool->quit = 0; } //deallocate thread pool void threadpool_destroy(threadpool_t *pool) { if(pool->quit) { return; } cond_lock(&pool->ready); pool->quit = 1; if(pool->threadcnt) { //the working thread cannot receive the broadcast notification if(pool->idle) cond_broadcast(&pool->ready); while(pool->threadcnt) { //printf("Waiting thread(s) to exit\n"); cond_wait(&pool->ready); } } cond_unlock(&pool->ready); cond_destroy(&pool->ready); } // add a task to thread pool void threadpool_add_task(threadpool_t *pool, TASK_ROUTINE mytask, TASK_PARA_TYPE arg) { task_t* newtask = (task_t*)malloc(sizeof(task_t)); newtask->run = mytask; newtask->arg = arg; newtask->next = NULL; cond_lock(&pool->ready); // insert newtask at the end of the queue if(pool->first) { pool->last->next = newtask; } else { pool->first = newtask; } pool->last = newtask; // notify waiting threads if(pool->idle > 0) { cond_signal(&pool->ready); } else if(pool->threadcnt < pool->max_threads) { //add new thread if not reaching limit pthread_t tid; int ret; if((ret=pthread_create(&tid, NULL, thread_routine, (void*)pool))) { ERROR("pthread_create", ret); } pool->threadcnt++; } cond_unlock(&pool->ready); }main.c 定义:
#include <unistd.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include "threadpool.h" #define DEFAULT_TASK_CNT 10 #define DEFAULT_THREAD_CNT 3 void* task_routine(void* arg) { pthread_t tid = pthread_self(); int task_id = *(int*)arg; free(arg); printf("Thread %#lx working on task %d\n", (size_t)tid, task_id); sleep(1); return NULL; } int main(int argc, char** argv) { int taskcnt, threadcnt, ch; taskcnt = DEFAULT_TASK_CNT; threadcnt = DEFAULT_THREAD_CNT; char* prog = argv[0]; while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, "t:k:")) != -1) { switch (ch) { case 't': taskcnt = atoi(optarg); break; case 'k': threadcnt = atoi(optarg); break; case '?': default: printf("Usage: %s [-k threadcnt] [-t taskcnt]\n" "\tdefault threadcnt=3, taskcnt=10\n", prog); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } threadpool_t pool; threadpool_init(&pool, threadcnt); int i; for(i=0; i<taskcnt; ++i) { void *arg = malloc(sizeof(int)); memcpy(arg, &i, sizeof(int)); threadpool_add_task(&pool, task_routine, arg); } threadpool_destroy(&pool); return 0; }makefile 文件:
.PHONY: all clean CC=gcc CFLAGS=-Wall -g LIB=-lpthread OBJS=main.o threadpool.o condition.o BIN=proc all:$(BIN) $(BIN):$(OBJS) $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $@ $^ $(LIB) # to acquire the rules #use: gcc -MM *.c condition.o: condition.c condition.h pool_util.h main.o: main.c threadpool.h condition.h threadpool.o: threadpool.c threadpool.h condition.h pool_util.h clean: @rm -rf *.dSYM *.o $(BIN)PS:编写 Makefile 时可以通过 gcc -MM *.c命令源文件的依赖关系 运行效果:
参考链接: 线程池的原理及实现