
xiaoxiao2024-10-27  12

PIL(Python Imaging Library)是python语言中对图像处理方面的一个开源库,其主要功能模块为Image,对于Image模块,可以使用

from PIL import Image


import Image





import Image import sys if len(sys.argv)<2: print '%s <image file>' % __file__ sys.exit() else: filename = sys.argv[1] img = Image.open(filename) width = img.size[0] height = img.size[1] img1 = img.crop((0,0,width,9)) #img1 = Image.new('RGBA',(width,10)) img.paste(img1,(0,height-9)) img.save(filename) img = Image.open(filename) img.show()









#!-*- encoding: utf-8 -*- #!/usr/bin/python from pychartdir import * # The data for the bar chart data = [450, 560, 630, 800, 1100, 1350, 1600, 1950, 2300, 2700, 3200, 3800] # The labels for the bar chart labels = ["一月", "二月", "三月", "四月", "五月", "六月", "七月", "八月", "九月", "十月", "十一月", "十二月"] # Create a XYChart object of size 600 x 360 pixels c = XYChart(600, 360) # Add a title to the chart using 18pts Times Bold Italic font c.addTitle("卖家月份销售图表", "simsun.ttc", 18) # Set the plotarea at (60, 40) and of size 500 x 280 pixels. Use a vertical gradient # color from light blue (eeeeff) to deep blue (0000cc) as background. Set border and # grid lines to white (ffffff). c.setPlotArea(60, 40, 500, 280, c.linearGradientColor(60, 40, 60, 280, 0xeeeeff, 0x0000cc), -1, 0xffffff, 0xffffff) # Add a multi-color bar chart layer using the supplied data. Use soft lighting effect # with light direction from left. c.addBarLayer3(data).setBorderColor(Transparent, softLighting(Left)) # Set x axis labels using the given labels c.xAxis().setLabels(labels) # Draw the ticks between label positions (instead of at label positions) c.xAxis().setTickOffset(0.5) # Add a title to the y axis with 10pts Arial Bold font c.yAxis().setTitle("人民币 (元)", "simsun.ttc", 10) # Set axis label style to 8pts Arial Bold c.xAxis().setLabelStyle("simsun.ttc", 8) c.yAxis().setLabelStyle("simsun.ttc", 8) # Set axis line width to 2 pixels c.xAxis().setWidth(2) c.yAxis().setWidth(2) # Output the chart c.makeChart("1.png")  

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