参数 python markup.py < xxx.txt > xxx.html
def lines(file): for line in file:yield line yield '\n' def blocks(file): block = [] for line in lines(file): if line.strip(): #'\n','\r','\t',' ' block.append(line); elif block: yield ''.join(block).strip() block = [] Handlers.py class Handler: """ 处理从Parser调用的方法的对象。 这个解析器会在每个块的开始部分调用start()和end()方法,使用合适的 块名作为参数,sub()方法会用于正则表达式替换中。当使用了'emphasis' 这样的名字调用时,它会返回合适的替换函数。 """ def callback(self ,prefix ,name ,*args): method = getattr(self ,prefix + name ,None) if callable(method) : return method(*agrs) def start(self ,name): self.callback('start_',name); def end(self ,name): self.callback('end_',name); def sub(self ,name): def substitution(match): result = self.callback('sub_' ,name ,match) if result is None: match.group(0) return result return substitution class HTMLRenderer(Handler): """ 用于生成HTML的具体处理程序 THMLRenderer内容的方法都是可以通过超类处理程序的start()、 end()和sub()方法来访问。他们实现了用于HTRML文档的基本标签。 """ def start_document(self): print('<html><head><title>...</title></head><body>') def end_document(self): print('</body></html>') def start_paragraph(self): print('<p>') def end_paragraph(self): print('</p>') def start_heading(self): print('<h2>') def end_heading(self): print('</h2>') def start_list(self): print('<ul>') def end_list(self): print('</ul>') def start_listitem(self): print('<li>') def end_listitem(self): print('</li>') def start_title(self): print('<title>') def end_title(self): print('</title>') def sub_emphasis(self ,match): return ('<em>%s</em>' % match.group(1)) def sub_url(self ,match): return ('<a href = "%s">%s</a>' % (match.group(1),match.group(1))) def sub_mail(self ,match): return ('<a href="mailto:%s">%s</a>' % (match.group(1),match.group(1))) def feed(self ,data): print(data)Rules.py
class Rule: """ 所有规则的基类。 """ def action(self ,block ,handler): handler.start(self.type) handler.feed(block) handler.end(self.type) return True class HeadingRule(Rule): """ 标题占一行,最多70个字符,并且不以冒号结尾。 """ type = 'heading' def condition(self ,block): return not '\n' in block and len(block) <= 70 and not block[-1] == ':' class TitleRule(HeadingRule): """ 题目是文档的第一个块,但前提它是大标题。 """ type = 'title' first = True def condition(self, block): if not self.first:return False self.first = HeadingRule.condition(self ,block) class ListItemRule(Rule): """ 列表项是以连字符开始的段落。作为格式化的一部分,要移除连字符。 """ type = 'listitem' def condition(self ,block): return block[0] == '-' def action(self, block, handler): handler.start(self.type) handler.feed(block[1:].strip()) handler.end(self.type) return True class ListRule(ListItemRule): """ 列表从不是列表项的块和岁以后的列表项之间。在最后一个连续的列表项之后结束。 """ type = 'list' inside = False def condition(self ,block): return True def action(self, block, handler): if not self.inside and ListItemRule.condition(self ,block): handler.start(self.type) self.inside = True elif self.inside and not ListItemRule.condition(self ,block): handler.end(self.type) self.inside = False return False class ParagraphRule(Rule): """ 段落只是其他规则并没有覆盖到的块 """ type = 'paragraph' def condition(self ,block): return TrueMarkup.py
import sys,re from handlers import * from util import * from rules import * class Parser: #""" #语法分析器读取文本文件、应用规则并且控制处理程序 # """ def __init__(self ,handler): self.handler = handler self.rules = [] self.filters = [] def addRule(self ,rule): self.rules.append(rule) def addFilter(self ,pattern ,name): def filter(bolck ,handler): return re.sub(pattern ,handler.sub(name),bolck) self.filters.append(filter) def parse(self ,file): self.handler.start('document') for block in blocks(file): for filter in self.filters: block = filter(block ,self.handler) for rule in self.rules: if rule.condition(block): last = rule.action(block ,self.handler) if last : break self.handler.end('document') class BasicTextParser(Parser): """ 在构造函数中添加规则和过滤器的具体语法分析器 """ def __init__(self, handler): Parser.__init__(self ,handler) self.addRule(ListRule) self.addRule(ListItemRule) self.addRule(TitleRule) self.addRule(HeadingRule) self.addRule(ParagraphRule) self.addFilter(r'\*(.+?)\*' ,'emphasis') self.addFilter(r'(http://[\.a-zA-Z/]+)' ,'url') self.addFilter(r'([\.a-zA-Z])+@[\.a-zA-Z]+[a-zA-Z]+)' ,'mail') handler = HTMLRenderer() parser = BasicTextParser(handler) parser.parse(sys.stdin)